Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

| 86 Annual Report | 2023-2024 ANNEXURE-III ANNUAL REPORT ON CSR ACTIVITIES 1. Brief outline on CSR Policy of the Company Arohan Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Arohan”) believes that a business entity’s performance must be measured by its economic, social and environmental impact and efforts to embed sustainability. Social enterprises are more than any other business enterprise, capable of addressing these concerns and Arohan aspires to transcend business interests and work towards the all-round human development of the communities we operate in through initiating and supporting programmes that enhance social sustainability. Arohan already serves people from economically and socially marginalized communities where illiteracy, unemployment and under-employment are rampant. It is in this social context that our CSR initiatives are developed to best cater to our customers and their communities. Arohan would build on this connect with the marginalized sections of the society for furthering their welfare. These programmes are independent of the normal conduct of business and are not viewed as business propositions by Arohan. In alignment to Arohan’s mission to empower the underserved, we see Corporate Social Responsibility (hereinafter referred to as “CSR”) as an opportunity to further extend help to the underserved in the larger community through the provision of non- profit based assistance. 2. Composition of CSR Committee: Sl. No. Name of Director Designation /Nature of Directorship Number of meetings of CSR Committee held during the year Number of meetings of CSR Committee attended during the year 1. Mr. John Arunkumar Diaz* Independent Director, Chairperson Nil Nil 2. Mr. Sumantra Banerjee# Independent Director, Past Chairperson 2 2 3. Mr. Anurag Agrawal Promoter Nominee Director 2 2 4. Mr. Wilhelmus Marthinus Maria Van Der Beek Nominee Director 2 1 5. Mr. Manoj Kumar Narayan Nambiar Managing Director 2 2 * Mr. John Arunkumar Diaz was appointed as Chairperson of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee with effect from April 29, 2024. # Mr. Sumantra Banerjee, owing to his completion of term as an Independent Director ceased to be a member of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee with effect from April 29, 2024. 3. Provide the Web-link(s) where Composition of CSR Committee, CSR Policy and CSR projects approved by the board are disclosed on the website of the Company. CSR Policy: CSR Committee Composition: CSR Projects approved: Annexures to Director’s Report