Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

platform encourages learnings about new stateof-the-art training initiatives that help develop the capabilities of the trainers. Going forward, this platform will be extended for other key enabling functions as well. • Weekly Communication Hour: A dedicated hour every week where the field managers communicate with their teams on updates pertaining to processes and policies, along with key strategies in line with business goals. Special training for Area Managers, Branch Heads, and Associate Branch Heads is also conducted through these forums in a ‘Train the Trainer’ format, where the participants are later expected to impart the training to their respective teams. Some other key training interventions are listed below: • CorporateTraining: Arohan conducts the‘Corporate Training’ programme regularly throughout the year to enhance the skill and behavioural competencies of employees in support functions. These sessions cover various support functions across the 9 Zonal Offices and the Head Office. • Leadership Development Programme: Targeted at nurturing the capabilities of the next 100 top-performing employees, the Leadership Development Programme spans across different verticals, encompassing both field and non-field roles. Participants undergo a rigorous assessment centre by a leading third-party provider, followed by a 7-month programme comprising classroom sessions, mentoring, simulations, and self-paced learning. Individual Development Plans are collaboratively crafted by participants, supervisors, and coaches to guide them towards their goals. • Automation of Training: Arohan adapts its learning strategy to cater to the needs of millennials by introducing a socialized ‘Learning Management System.’ Courses are tailored to enhance the functional competencies of over 8600 field team members through weekly interventions and monthly assessments. • Customer Service Programme: A targeted training initiative designed for the Arohan Customer Service Team to help them excel in customer management, conflict resolution, and other service-related topics. Specific mentoring sessions are provided to employees exhibiting a low customer-centric approach. • Upskilling Intervention: Arohan implements a unique Customer Service Representatives upskilling programme to bolster their capabilities in handling challenging customer interactions, utilizing a ‘role-play’-based approach. Tailored scripts are developed for different scenarios, and employees undergo role-play training sessions to hone their skills. Statutory Interventions Arohan Code of Conduct: At Arohan, our Core Values, encapsulated in the acronym ETHICS, serve as guiding principles for workplace behavior. Ensuring alignment with these values is paramount for all employees. New hires undergo thorough orientation on our Code of Conduct, emphasizing the significance of integrating these values into our actions and interactions. Anti-Money Laundering: In compliance with the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2022, our employees receive an annual refresher on Anti-Money Laundering practices and their critical importance. Client Protection Principle and Poverty Probability Index: At Arohan, we prioritize client protection principles and utilize the Poverty Probability Index (PPI) to ensure responsible lending practices. Our employees receive comprehensive training on these principles during their onboarding as part of the Induction process. Additionally, we conduct monthly refreshers to reinforce the importance of adhering to client protection principles and accurately assessing loan amounts for our customers. Assessment Centre Arohan employs a well-defined and structured succession planning mechanism, placing a strong emphasis on cultivating an internal talent pipeline for future roles. Employees are provided equal opportunities to demonstrate their readiness for advancement through an Assessment Centre, facilitated by a reputable third-party service provider. Following this assessment, selected employees deliver presentations on assigned topics. Subsequently, their performance, behaviour, and knowledge scores are evaluated in a panel interview, wherein their competencies are further assessed by a cross-functional senior management panel. ESG-DRIVEN VALUE FOCUS Arohan is attuned to the actions of its customers and their potential impact on the Environment and Society (E&S), whether positive or negative. Recognising the importance of managing these E&S risks, the Company has implemented comprehensive measures and initiatives in line with its vision of 69 | Annual Report 2023-24