Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

provided to employees and for a longer duration. Grant is a special category of Education loan, which takes care of financing any professional course or certification programme relevant to the job the person is undertaking. Work from Home: With Arohan being home to a diverse workforce and the new hybrid work culture that employees prefer in today’s scenario, the Company offers Work From Home (WFH) facility to those employees who have the necessary infrastructure and whose jobs allows them to operate from home, while ensuring that employees perform to the organisation’s work expectations from the role. • Child Care Leave: Being a mother can sometimes require a woman employee to take a few days off from their work in order to care for her child’s needs. As working from home is not an option for female employees in the field, Arohan has introduced a Child Care Leave only for women employees in the field. A Child Care Leave (CCL) is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or looking after its needs, including examination, sickness, etc. • Flexi Working Hours: Non-field employees at Arohan are provided the privilege of flexi-timing with the employee clocking in the desired number of productive hours (i.e., 8 hours of working and 1 hour of lunch break). Employee Health and Safety • Arohan Avalamban Yojana: Arohan is committed to the well-being and safety of not just its employees but also their families. ‘Arohan Avalamban Yojana,’ a death in harness scheme, was launched with the objective of providing support to the families of the employees who lost their lives while in service at Arohan or have suffered permanent disabilities resulting in loss of ability to work. • Safety at Workplace: Arohan adopted a genderneutral POSH Policy and instituted the POSH Committee in the year 2016. Every new joiner at Arohan, irrespective of their bands, designations, and locations, undergoes mandatory POSH training as a part of their induction schedule. Regular Refresher Training is also conducted for all stakeholders at least once a year. Central and Regional Internal Committees are created, along with the mandatory presence of an External Member, across locations. • Field Employees’ Road Safety: Arohan’s field employees travel to customers on their twowheelers. In order to ensure that employees understand the value of their lives and adhere to road safety norms, Arohan promotes Road Safety Guidelines among its employees through a campaign, #YourLifeisPrecious. Road Safety Guidelines, published in vernacular languages, as well as an interview feature on the monthly internal newsletter, Srishti, of field employees on road safety practices, is carried out as a part of this campaign. • Safety at Branch: With the increasing number of women employees joining the Company, Arohan has ensured to take special care in selecting the right kind of premises for the safety of women, with CCTV cameras installed in every all-women or mixed-employee branch. DRIVING GENDER DIVERSITY Arohan extends financial services to nearly 2.5 mn women engaged in diverse income-generating activities, thereby empowering them to support their families through additional streams of income. This extensive clientele is served by a workforce of over 9,333 employees. Recognising that the majority of our customers are female, we prioritize having a predominantly female field staff to enhance understanding of our customers’ cash flow requirements and facilitate stronger customer connections and networking opportunities. Aligned with Aavishkaar Group’s vision of achieving a natural gender diversity ratio of 50% within the Group by 2030, Arohan is steadfastly committed to fostering greater gender diversity within the organisation. We have developed a clear roadmap aimed at achieving a specified diversity ratio over the next five years. Our Diversity Council actively spearheads initiatives to introduce women-friendly policies and processes, with the overarching goal of attracting and retaining a growing number of female talents. Our efforts have yielded tangible results, evident in the improvement of Arohan’s Gender Diversity ratio from 4.9% in April 2019 to 13.71% in FY 2024. This progress is attributable to the implementation of various initiatives and policy revisions, not only at the corporate and regional levels but also at the grassroots level. Notably, Arohan has strategically established branches in several states staffed entirely by women, effectively creating womenonly branches where every aspect of business operations is driven by female employees. Some of the key interventions are listed below: • Diverse Hiring Practices: Arohan acknowledges the historical gender disparities that women have faced in various professional fields and have Management Discussion & Analysis Annual Report 2023-24 | 66