Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

Management Discussion & Analysis Experience (CX), the Customer Insights function remains dedicated to fostering meaningful interactions and addressing customer needs promptly and effectively. Streamlined Grievance Redressal Mechanism Arohan has enhanced its Customer Grievance Redressal Mechanism by implementing a Directly Responsible Individual (DRI) assigned to each grievance received. This strategic initiative has significantly reduced the average Turn Around Time from 15 working days in FY 2023 to just 6 working days in FY 2024, ensuring prompt resolution of customer concerns. Moreover, Arohan has introduced Escalation levels 1 and 2 to further expedite the resolution process. In cases where a complaint is not resolved by the designated DRI within the stipulated timeframe, it is automatically escalated for priority resolution, ensuring that no customer grievance goes unresolved. This proactive approach underscores Arohan’s commitment to delivering exceptional service and addressing customer concerns with urgency and efficiency. Quarter Wise Complaint received 9 9 9 10 FY 23-24_Q1 FY 23-24_Q2 FY 23-24_Q3 FY 23-24_Q4 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 10 8 6 4 2 632 596 653 533 No of Complaints Per lakh Customer 16 16 Average TAT days for all closed complaints FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 15 20 17 The key principles of Arohan’s Grievance Redressal Mechanism are: • Customers shall be treated fairly at all times. • Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and without undue delay. • To enlist various types of convenient modes through which customers can register complaints. • To define escalation levels in case a customer’s complaint is not addressed at all or was not addressed satisfactorily. • Customers are fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organisation and their rights to alternative remedies if they are not fully satisfied with the response of the Company to their complaints. • All complaints are to be dealt with efficiently and fairly as otherwise, they can damage the reputation and business of the Company. • Arohan’s employees would work in good faith and without prejudice in the best interest of the customers. Inbound Process: The backbone of Arohan’s Customer Grievance Redressal Mechanism, the Inbound Process, serves as a robust platform for addressing customer concerns with utmost priority and efficiency. Arohan goes the extra mile by offering multilingual Customer Care Service, ensuring seamless communication for all customers. When a complaint or query is received, it is initially handled by either the Customer Service Representative or the Branch Head. Should the issue remain unresolved, customers have the option to escalate it to Arohan’s Customer Care Helpdesk via the toll-free number 1800 103 2375. Here, a structured escalation matrix is promptly activated, leading the grievance through various levels until it reaches the Grievance Redressal Officer. An integrated workflow-based routing system ensures that each case is efficiently managed, with prompt follow-up actions taken to achieve resolution. This proactive approach underscores Arohan’s unwavering commitment to addressing customer concerns comprehensively and in a timely manner, reinforcing trust and satisfaction among its valued clientele. Quarter Wise Inbound call received 207 235 287 268 FY 23-24_Q1 FY 23-24_Q2 FY 23-24_Q3 FY 23-24_Q4 Inbound received Per lakh Customer 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 12599 16657 15098 19507 Outbound Process: Utilizing its Outbound Process, Arohan’s Customer Insights vertical actively engages with customers to gain a deep understanding of their needs, all while upholding the highest standards of customer centricity and integrity. Surveys are conducted with meticulous attention to detail, covering various aspects including loan sourcing, customer satisfaction, overdue accounts, dropout rates, and cross-selling opportunities. Annual Report 2023-24 | 42