Shareholders Environment Arohan is committed to shareholder value creation and delivering sustainable returns over the long term. By maintaining transparency, accountability, and prudent risk management practices, the Company generates value and continuously improves bottom line, while upholding the highest standards of corporate governance. In a milestone achievement, in FY 2024, Arohan’s credit rating has been upgraded from ‘A- (positive outlook)’ to ‘A (Stable Outlook)’ by rating agencies ICRA and CARE. Credit Ratings are forward-looking opinions on the relative credit risk associated with the rated debt instrument as represented by an appropriate symbol on the relevant rating scale. “A” rating outlook gives additional information to lenders, investors or other users about the expected direction of rating movement and the “Stable” outlook indicates a low likelihood of rating change in the near to medium term. This reinforces Arohan’s stance amongst the elite league of microfinance institutions in the country, and will enable the Company to serve its customers better. As a responsible corporate citizen, Arohan acknowledges the inter-connectedness between business activities and environmental sustainability. The Company is committed to empowering the communities it serves and the geographies its present in, while minimizing its carbon footprints. Through responsible sourcing, energy efficiency measures, and ecofriendly practices, Arohan strives to promote environmental stewardship. To this effect, in FY 2024, the Company earned the prestigious “Social Impact Certificate”, a recognition for its impactful endeavors at the Impact Summit, 2024 organised by d.light in Nairobi, Kenya. This accolade underscores the Company’s commitment to fostering social change by providing affordable and sustainable impact products to rural communities across India with unreliable energy access. This certification validates Arohan’s ongoing efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.