Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

215 | Annual Report | 2023-2024 Sl No. Particulars As on 30 June 2022 As on 30 September 2022 As on 31 December 2022 As on 31 March 2023 Total Unweighted Value (average) (*) Total Weighted Value (average) (**) Total Unweighted Value (average) (*) Total Weighted Value (average) (**) Total Unweighted Value (average) (*) Total Weighted Value (average) (**) Total Unweighted Value (average) (*) Total Weighted Value (average) (**) High Quality Liquid Assets (#) 1 High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) (i) Cash Balance 111.94 111.94 136.20 136.20 59.93 59.93 36.05 36.05 (ii) Cash on Bank 3,654.64 3,654.64 3,559.95 3,559.95 3,515.34 3,515.34 1,549.67 1,549.67 (iii) Un encumbered demand deposits with scheduled commercial Bank 53,925.35 53,925.35 33,477.41 33,477.41 29,287.74 29,287.74 59,323.94 59,323.94 Total High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) 57,691.93 57,691.93 37,173.56 37,173.56 32,863.01 32,863.01 60,909.66 60,909.66 Cash Outflows: 2 Deposits (for deposit taking companies) - - - - - - - - 3 Unsecured wholesale funding - - - - - - - - 4 Secured wholesale funding - - - - - - - - 5 Additional requirements, of which - (i) Outflows related to derivative exposures and other collateral requirements - - - - - - - - (ii) Outflows related to loss of funding on debt products - - - - - - - - (iii) Credit and liquidity facilities 27,427.31 31,541.41 22,662.03 26,061.33 33,939.18 39,030.06 29,131.93 33,501.72 6 Other contractual funding obligations 1,856.47 2,134.94 5,082.79 5,845.21 5,524.93 6,353.67 7,116.54 8,184.02 7 Other contingent funding obligations - - - - - - - - 8 Total cash outflows 29,283.78 33,676.35 27,744.82 31,906.54 39,464.11 45,383.73 36,248.47 41,685.74 Cash Inflows: 9 Secured lending - - - - - - - - 10 Inflows from fully performing exposures 27,571.48 20,678.61 30,509.57 22,882.18 32,702.06 24,526.55 34,649.82 25,987.37 11 Other cash inflows 398.09 298.57 2,652.17 1,989.13 1,038.30 778.73 1,354.53 1,015.90 12 Total cash inflows 27,969.57 20,977.18 33,161.74 24,871.31 33,740.36 25,305.28 36,004.35 27,003.27 Total Adjusted Value Total Adjusted Value Total Adjusted Value Total Adjusted Value 13 Total High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) 57,691.93 37,173.56 32,863.01 60,909.66 14 Total net outflows 12,699.17 7,976.63 20,078.45 14,682.47 15 Liquidity coverage ratio (%) 454% 466% 164% 415% Arohan Financial Services Limited Notes to financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 (Contd.) (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated) Note 54: Disclosures related to Liquidity coverage Ratio (LCR) pursuant to the RBI Master direction circular RBI/DoR/2023-24/106 DoR.FIN.REC. No.45/03.10.119/2023-24 (Cont’d) For financial year: 2022-2023 (*) Unweighted values calculated as outstanding balances maturing or callable within 30 days (for inflows and outflows). (**) Weighted values calculated after the application of respective stress factors on inflow and outflow. (#) HQLA includes cash on hand, callable demand deposit and callable fixed deposits with scheduled commercial banks. Qualitative disclosure (a) Intra-period changes as well as changes over time: The details of all four quarter are disclosed above. (b) Composition of HQLAs: The composition of HQLA are disclosed above. (c) Derivative exposures and potential collateral calls: The company has no derivative exposure. (d) Currency mismatch in the LCR: The company has no foreign currency borrowings, hence the currency mismatch in the LCR are not applicable. (e) Other inflows and outflows in the LCR calculation that are not captured in the LCR common template but which the institution considered to be relevant for liquidity profile: All inflows/ outflows considered relevant are considered in LCR calculation.