Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

| 182 Annual Report | 2023-2024 Financials Note 45: Related party disclosure A. Names of the related party and nature of relationship: B. Summary of related party transactions during the year Description of relationship Name Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) Manoj Kumar N Nambiar (Managing Director) Milind R Nare (Chief Financial Officer) Anirudh Singh G Thakur (Company Secretary) Nominee Director Nitish Chawla (Non Executive Nominee Director from May 31, 2023) Rupa Vora (Non Executive Nominee Director from August 08, 2023) Vineet Chandra Rai (Promoter Nominee Director) Anurag Agrawal (Promoter Nominee Director) Aditya Mohan (Non Executive Nominee Director till August 08, 2023) Wilhelmus Marthinus Maria Van Der Beek (Non Executive Nominee Director) Piyush Goenka (Non Executive Nominee Director) Independent Director Dinesh Kumar Mittal (Non Executive Independent Director) Matangi Gowrishankar (Non Executive Independent Director till January 14, 2024) Rajat Mohan Nag (Non Executive Independent Director) Sumantra Banerjee (Non Executive Independent Director) John Arunkumar Diaz (Non Executive Independent Director from January 03, 2024) Ulhas Sharadkumar Deshpande (Non Executive Independent Director from January 15, 2024) Entities exercising significant influence over the company Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO) Entities having common director Ashv Finance Limited Bharti Airtel Limited (till March 12, 2024) Aavishkaar Venture Management Services Private Limited Shivalik Small Finance Bank Aavishkaar Foundation Intellecap Advisory Services Private Limited Name of party with nature of transaction Year ended 31 March 2024 Year ended 31 March 2023 Reimbursement of expenses received (expense reimbursement) Ashv Finance Limited 8.04 7.92 Communication expenses Bharti Airtel Limited 41.11 45.54 Business Support fees Aavishkaar Venture Management Services Private Limited 82.82 43.31 Intellecap Advisory Services Private Limited - 13.30 Ashv Finance Limited 1.04 0.47 Loan availed Shivalik Small Finance Bank - 1,000.00 Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO) 20,800.00 - Arohan Financial Services Limited Notes to financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 (Contd.) (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated)