Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

149 | Annual Report | 2023-2024 Note 17: Borrowings (other than debt securities) As at 31 March 2024 As at 31 March 2023 (Measured at amortised cost) (Secured) (a) Term loans [refer note (i) below] Term loan from banks 3,77,239.47 2,16,074.41 Term loan from financial institutions 1,02,149.93 91,648.82 Term Loan from related party (from banks) [refer note 45] 408.38 892.80 (b) Loans repayable on demand Cash credit from banks [refer note (ii) below] - 90.42 (c) Liability against securitisation [refer note (iii) below] from banks 39,601.27 67,301.78 from related party [refer note 45] 1,397.11 4,928.10 Total 5,20,796.16 3,80,936.33 Borrowings in India 5,20,796.16 3,80,936.33 Borrowings outside India - - Total (a+b+c) 5,20,796.16 3,80,936.33 Refer note 20 for terms of repayment. Nature of Security: (i) All term loans from banks and financial institutions are secured by way of first and exclusive charge, both present & future, over the eligible designated current assets, eligible designated book debts, loan instalments, receivables and underlying assets arising out of finance of the Company. (ii) Cash credit facilities and working capital demand loans from banks are secured by way of first and exclusive charge, both present & future, over the eligible designated current assets, eligible designated book debts, loan instalments, receivables and underlying assets arising out of finance of the Company. (iii) Liabilities against securitisation represents amounts received in respect of securitisation transactions (net of repayments & investment therein) as these transactions do not meet the de-recognition criteria specified under Ind AS 109. These are secured by way of hypothecation of designated assets on finance receivables. Note 18: Subordinated liabilities As at 31 March 2024 As at 31 March 2023 (Measured at amortised cost) (Unsecured) Non-convertible debentures 32,317.73 32,242.61 Term loans from banks 5,057.33 7,580.47 Term loans from financial institution 2,509.23 2,504.75 Total 39,884.29 42,327.83 Subordinated liabilities in India 39,884.29 42,327.83 Subordinated liabilities outside India - - Total 39,884.29 42,327.83 Refer note 20 for terms of repayment. Arohan Financial Services Limited Notes to financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 (Contd.) (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated)