Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

| 146 Annual Report | 2023-2024 Financials Note 12: Property, plant and equipment Motor Vehicle Furniture and fixtures Computer and accessories Office equipment Total Gross carrying value Balance as at March 31, 2022 - 337.97 726.10 254.08 1,318.15 Additions for the year - 55.40 189.90 56.39 301.69 Disposals for the year - - 10.20 2.86 13.06 Balance as at March 31, 2023 - 393.37 905.80 307.61 1,606.78 Additions for the year 21.45 83.12 242.29 132.16 479.02 Disposals for the year - 1.06 27.39 12.07 40.52 Balance as at March 31, 2024 21.45 475.43 1,120.70 427.70 2,045.28 Accumulated depreciation Up to March 31, 2022 - 133.28 620.98 163.18 917.44 Depreciation charge for the year - 37.45 85.27 48.44 171.16 Adjustment on account of disposal - - 10.21 2.41 12.62 Up to March 31, 2023 - 170.73 696.04 209.21 1,075.98 Depreciation charge for the year 2.66 46.45 136.36 69.62 255.09 Adjustment on account of disposal - 1.00 26.04 11.23 38.27 Up to March 31, 2024 2.66 216.18 806.36 267.60 1,292.80 Net carrying value Balance as at March 31, 2023 - 222.64 209.76 98.39 530.80 Balance as at March 31, 2024 18.79 259.25 314.34 160.10 752.48 Refer note 60 on contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment. Note 13 : Other intangible assets Intangible assets Under development Others* Gross carrying value Balance as at March 31, 2022 45.04 1,010.04 Additions for the year 46.30 81.69 Disposals for the year 47.28 - Balance as at March 31, 2023 44.06 1,091.73 Additions for the year 33.27 308.44 Disposals for the year 22.21 - Balance as at March 31, 2024 55.12 1,400.17 Accumulated amortisation Up to March 31, 2022 - 740.57 Amortisation charge for the year - 136.11 Adjustment on account of disposal - - Up to March 31, 2023 - 876.68 Amortisation charge for the year - 109.18 Adjustment on account of disposal - - Up to March 31, 2024 - 985.86 Net carrying value Balance as at March 31, 2023 44.06 215.05 Balance as at March 31, 2024 55.12 414.31 Refer note 60 on contractual commitments for the acquisition of intangible asset * Others represents computer software Arohan Financial Services Limited Notes to financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 (Contd.) (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated)