Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

| 110 Annual Report | 2023-2024 Annexures to Director’s Report ANNEXURE- VI Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Particulars Arohan ESOP 2021 (Grant 2023) Arohan ESOP 2021 (Grant 2022) Arohan ESOP 2021 (Grant 2021) Arohan ESOP 2018 (Grant 2020) Arohan ESOP 2018 (Grant 2019) Arohan ESOP 2018 (Grant 2018) Arohan ESOP Plan 2017 a. Options granted 13,91,143 9,97,942 9,82,867 8,42,858 7,69,528 5,97,264 2,29,280 b. Options vested Nil 3,32,647 6,55,244 8,42,858 7,69,528 5,97,264 2,29,280 c. Options exercised Nil Nil Nil 4,000 21,878 43,254 1,07,280 d. The total number of shares arising as a result of exercise of options Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil e. Options lapsed 38,850 1,80,267 2,58,476 2,78,509 2,38,945 1,65,186 24,000 f. The exercise price INR 124.00 INR 153.94 INR 210 INR 170 INR 162.80 INR 130 INR 84.70 g. Variation of terms of options Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes h. Money realized by exercise of options Nil Nil Nil INR 6,80,000 INR 35,61,738 INR 56,23,020 INR 90,86,616 i. Total number of options in force 13,52,293 8,17,675 7,24,391 5,60,349 5,08,705 3,88,824 98,000 J. Employee wise details of options granted to: a. Key Managerial Personnel# 3,54,000 3,25,300 2,94,612 2,36,824 2,51,808 2,43,324 50,000 b. any other employee who receives a grant of options in any one year of option amounting to five percent or more of options granted during that year; and Name of the Employee Options Granted Name of the Employee Options Granted Name of the Employee Options Granted Name of the Employee Options Granted Name of the Employee Options Granted Name of the Employee Options Granted Name of the Employee Options Granted Arvind Murarka 77,500 Ranjan Das 56,454 Ranjan Das 57,024 Nil Nil Shrish Chandra Panda** 46,530 Shailesh Kumar 44,800 Harsha vardan Patnaik 17,280 Shrish Chandra Panda** 49,880 Shraddha Srimal 30,000 Harshavardan Patnaik* 34,560 Anant Jayant Natu* 24,000 Ranjan Das 76,500 Abin Mukhopadhyay 32,400 Abin Mukhopadhyay 24,000 Joji Jacob* 36,000 Arvind Murarka 30,000 Joyanta Bakali 30,000 Prashant Rai 30,000 Joyanta Bakali 24,000 c. identified employees who were granted option, during any one year, equal to or exceeding one percent of the issued capital (excluding outstanding warrants and conversions) of the company at the time of grant; Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil #Note: Key Managerial Personnel have been considered as per the Companies Act, 2013 only. * Options lapsed ** Part Options lapsed For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Sd/- Sd/- VINEET CHANDRA RAI MANOJ KUMAR NARAYAN NAMBIAR Date: May 24, 2024 DIRECTOR MANAGING DIRECTOR Place: Kolkata DIN: 00606290 DIN: 03172919