Arohan Annual Report 2023-2024

97 | Annual Report | 2023-2024 • Mr. Sumantra Banerjee, Non-Executive Independent Director, holds 10,000 equity shares. • Mr. John Arunkumar Diaz, Non-Executive Independent Director, holds 57,345 equity shares. * Only covers Membership/ Chairmanship of Audit Committee & Stakeholders' Relationship Committee of other Public Limited Companies. ** 1. Mr. Paul Gratien Robine and Mr. Shri Ram Meena had resigned from their directorship w.e.f May 12, 2023. 2. Mr. Vemuru Chandramouli and Mr. Aditya Mohan were appointed as Nominee Director and Additional Director respectively w.e.f May 12, 2023. 3. Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mittal was re-appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director w.e.f May 15, 2023 for a further period of 5 (Five) years. 4. Mr. Nitish Chawla was appointed as an Additional Director w.e.f. May 31, 2023 and thereafter was appointed as a Nominee Director w.e.f. August 07, 2023. 5. Mr. Stephen Dongwon Lee and Mr. Aditya Mohan were appointed as Nominee Director w.e.f. August 07, 2023. 6. Mr. Aditya Mohan had resigned from his directorship w.e.f August 08, 2023. 7. Ms. Rupa Rajul Vora was appointed as a Nominee Director w.e.f. August 08, 2023. 8. Mr. David Arturo Paradiso has resigned from his directorship w.e.f November 10, 2023 and Ms. Karina Isabel Alva Alfaro was appointed as Nominee Director w.e.f November 10, 2023. 9. Ms. Matangi Gowrishankar had resigned from her directorship w.e.f. January 14, 2024. 10. Mr. John Arunkumar Diaz and Mr. Ulhas Sharadkumar Deshpande have been appointed as Additional Directors under the category of Independent Directors w.e.f, January 03, 2024 and January 15, 2024 respectively thereafter appointed as Independent Directors w.e.f. February 13, 2024. 11. Mr. Sumantra Banerjee, owing to his completion of term as an Independent Director ceased to be a member of the Board with effect from April 29, 2024. *** Only covers No. of meetings held in FY 23-24 of Directors during their directorship period. Note: The data in the above table pertaining to No. of other Directorship held in other public companies, No. of other Board Committee Memberships/ Chairmanship and Details of directorship held in other Listed Entity (including debt listed) has been provided till the date the directors were associated in the Company (for the Directors who has resigned) and for others till the date of this report. Board Member’s Evaluation One of the key functions of the Board is to monitor and review the Board evaluation framework. The Board works with the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to lay down the evaluation criteria for the performance of the Board, including the Executives, Non-Executives, Independent Directors and Nominee Directors through a peer evaluation, excluding the director being evaluated. Some of the performance indicators based on which the directors were evaluated includes : • Participation in the meeting • Value addition • Time devoted to analyse and examine governance and compliance issues • Compliance with Law and relevant standards • Effectiveness of Governance • Risk Evaluation • Independence of management from Board Board of Arohan confirms that the Independent Directors fulfill the conditions specified in the regulations and are independent of the management.