Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2022-23

of the field employees have transitioned into ‘Experts’ and ‘Proficient’, among the categories of Expert, Proficient, and Novice, as defined by Arohan’s Training & Development Team. Assessment Centre Arohan has a defined and structured mechanism of succession planning where developing an internal talent pool for the next role is a critical component. To this effect, employees get an equal opportunity to showcase their functional and behavioural competency readiness for the next role. Post this, employees are selected, basis their performance, behaviour, and knowledge scores, and are placed in an Assessment Centre where their competency is tested, followed by a panel interview. ESG-DRIVENVALUE CREATION Arohan, through its processes and business operations, takes cognizance of the actions of its customers and their implications and influence on the Environment and Society (E&S), either negatively or favourably. The Company understands the need to manage these E&S risks and mitigate them in a structured manner. To this effect, the Company has implemented adequate measures and initiatives in order to realise its Vision of being a preferred financial inclusion entity. In FY 2023, Arohan has put in place a well-defined E&S Policy that outlines its commitment to incorporating E&S considerations in its business operations. The E&S Policy has been created in accordance with the applicable E&S Good International Industry Practices, National Environment & Social Laws, and Regulations. Through its strong Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility activities, Arohan has initiated activities in areas pertinent to social development, in tune with key government priorities, supporting and empowering the women of communities where access to quality healthcare, basic education, water, and sanitation is restricted. Through such dedicated activities for women and communities, Arohan has impacted over 8 Lakh lives so far. Environmental Initiatives Eco sustainability (Safe DrinkingWater & Sanitation) The triple-bottom-line approach of People, Planet, and Profit forms the cornerstone for Arohan’s stance on sustainability for the communities in which the Company operates. The Company’s integrated water and sanitation programme addresses the gaps in implementation and strategic management in Water and Sanitation, and Hygiene sectors by assuring investment efficacy, linking revenue returns to social benefits, and allowing common partnership. Water Conservation Arohan aims to create conditions conducive to higher agricultural productivity for its customers while also contributing to the conservation of natural resources. To this effect, the Company invested in water conservation projects as a mode for increasing agricultural production in rain-fed and semi-arid areas. Arohan’s interventions aim to help improve the management of soil and vegetation in such areas. Disaster Relief Natural calamities like floods and cyclones are common in the geographies that Arohan operates in. Disaster Relief is one of the key focus areas where Arohan, as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility commitment, provides aid and support to those affected by natural disasters. Arohan contributes towards disaster relief efforts by not just providing supplies and relief materials but also by way of volunteering time and engagement of its human resources. These efforts not only help those in need but also demonstrates the Company’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the communities. Arohan takes adequate measures of prevention and preparedness in line with its Business Continuity Policy. With the help of local communities, Arohan develops emergency plans to mitigate the ensuing impact of the disaster. In addition to the immediate relief efforts, Arohan also supports long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts of the impacted communities through various community development initiatives. With the best interest of safeguarding and protecting the well-being of its beneficiaries, especially in times of need, Arohan and its employees have provided disaster relief materials to over 49,000 beneficiaries during times of floods and cyclones. In FY 2023, Arohan distributed dry ration kits and hygiene kits to approximately 2,000 beneficiaries. Social Initiatives Arohan is on a continuous quest to identify opportunities of impact, address social issues, and promote positive change in the lives of the customers it serves and communities it caters to. In FY 2023, as a Management Discussion & Analysis Annual Report 2022-23 | 68