Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2022-23

Name Maximum Amount Of Loan / Credit Limit / Insurance Coverage Loan Tenure Cross Sell Products Upto value of active Primary Loan Disbursement amount associated with customer, in any given cycle 03-24 Months Pr o d u c t & Se rvi c e s Of f e r i n gs Arohan offers a broad range of credit and non-credit products and financial inclusion services to its growing customer base. While Arohan’s credit products include income generating loans and other loan products for various household purposes, its non-credit products include Life and Non-Life covers, issued and underwritten by leading Indian insurance companieswithwhomtheCompanyhas entered intopartnerships, alongwith facilitation for various lifestyle improvement products like mobile phones, refrigerators, pressure cooker, television, mixer grinder, induction cooktop, inverter bulbs, etc. Through its inorganic business vertical, Arohan also offers term loans to small Micro-Finance Institutions for onward lending to customers. In FY 2023, the Company has also introduced working capital loans for Micro Enterprises with ticket sizes starting from INR 1,05,000 from its pilot branch in Kolkata, West Bengal. SECONDARY PRODUCTS Name Customer Profile Loan Size Loan Tenure Saral Bazaar Catering to women residing in low income areas, generally involved in trade & services. Loans to address the working capital needs of small businesses operating out of authorised market places or clusters of shops organised under a traders association. Includes predominantly male customers. Micro Enterprise Loans INR 25,000 - 75,000 INR 25,000 - 1,00,000 18 - 30 months 18 - 24 months 18 - 24 months CORE PRODUCTS 13 | Annual Report 2022-23 INR 1,05,000 - 1,50,000