Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2022-23
REGISTERED AND CORPORATE OFFICE AUDITORS CORPORATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER U74140WB1991PLC053189 SECRETARIAL AUDITOR REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENTS PTI Building, 4th Floor, Block DP, DP-9, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091, West Bengal, India Tel: + 91-33-4015-6000 E-mail: Website: MSKA & Associates Chartered Accountants (Registration No-105047W) 602, 6th Floor, Raheja Titanium, Western Express Highway, Geetanjali Railway Colony, Ram Nagar, Goregaon (E), Mumbai – 400063, Maharashtra, India S Basu & Associates Alapan Appartment, 3rd Floor, 10/6/2 Raja Rammohan Roy Road, Kolkata -700008, West Bengal, India Link Intime India Private Limited C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park, L.B.S Marg, Vikhroli (West) Mumbai – 400083, Maharashtra, India Corporate Information Annual Report 2022-23 | 10
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