Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2022-23

201 | Annual Report | 2022-2023 Arohan Financial Services Limited Summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information for the year ended 31 March 2023 (Contd.) (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated) Note 50(A): Additional disclosures pursuant to the RBI/2021-22/112DOR.CRE.REC.No.60/03.10.001/2021-22 dated October 22, 2021 on Scale Based Regulation (contd) (ii) Borrowings (other than debt securities) and Subordinated liabilities (Contd.) Particulars Sanction date Description of financial covenants Limit required Actual Subordinated liabilities March 30, 2021 (PAR 90 + restructure loans)/ Gross loan portfolio (refer note 5) less than 5.00% 9.57% Note: (1) Portfolio overdue for more than 30 days, restructured loans (including restructuring under RBI resolution framework dated August 06, 2020 & May 05, 2021) and net write off for last 12 months has been considered as numerator and closing gross loan portfolio as on March 31, 2023 as denominator. (2) Gross loan portfolio overdue for more than 90 days, restructured loans (including restructuring under RBI resolution framework datedAugust 06, 2020 &May 05, 2021) which is reducedbyNPAprovision on ownedportfolio has been considered as numerator and Tier 1 capital as denominator. (3) Portfolio overdue for more than 30 days, non covid restructured loans (including restructuring under RBI resolution framework dated August 06, 2020 & May 05, 2021) and net write-off for last 12 months has been considered as numerator and closing gross loan portfolio as on March 31, 2023 as denominator. (4) Aggregate of gross loan portfolio overdue for more than 90 days and non-covid restructured loans, reduced by NPA provision on owned portfolio has been considered as numerator and Tier I capital considered as denominator. (5) AUM overdue for more than 90 days and restructured loans has been considered as numerator whereas gross loan portfolio as on March 31, 2023 is considered as denominator. (6) Total revenue has been considered as numerator and total expenses for the year ended March 31, 2023 as denominator. (7) Gross loan portfolio overdue for more than 90 days as a percentage of gross loan portfolio as on March 31, 2023. (8) Aggregate of gross loan portfolio overdue for more than 90 days, non-covid restructure loans and net write-off of 12 months considered in neumerator and gross loan portfolio as on March 31, 2023 as denominator. (9) Gross loan portfolio represents assets under management (AUM). (e) Divergence in asset classification and provisioning There has been no instance of additional provisioning requirement assessed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) exceeding 5% of the reported profit before tax and impairment loss on financial instruments, neither there has been any instance of additional gross NPAs identified by RBI exceeding 5% of the reported gross NPAs for the pervious financial year. Note 50(B): Additional disclosures pursuant to the RBI/2022-23/29 DOR.CRE.REC.No.25/03.10.001/2022-23 dated April 19, 2022. Loans to Directors, senior officers and relatives of Directors Current year Previous year Directors and their relatives Nil Nil Entities associated with directors and their relatives Nil Nil Senior Officers and their relatives Nil Nil