Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2022-23

147 | Annual Report | 2022-2023 Arohan Financial Services Limited Summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information for the year ended 31 March 2023 (Contd.) (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated) Note 23: Share capital (Contd.) (A) Equity shares capital Particulars As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022 Number Amount Number Amount Issued, subscribed and fully paid up equity shares Equity shares of ` 10 each At the beginning of the year 12,01,77,303 12,017.73 12,01,77,303 12,017.73 Additions during the year (*) 10,00,000 100.00 - - Balance at the end of the year 12,11,77,303 12,117.73 12,01,77,303 12,017.73 (*) Additions made in equity shares during the year As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022 Number Amount Number Amount Arohan ESOP Trust 10,00,000 100.00 - - Total additions during the year 10,00,000 100.00 - - (a) Reconciliation of number of equity shares issued to ESOP Trust outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year Reconciliation of equity share capital As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022 Number Amount Number Amount Balance at the beginning of the year 33,15,395 331.54 34,14,524 341.45 Add: Shares issued to ESOP trust (*) 10,00,000 1,539.40 - - Less: Allotted to employees during the period (**) 17,280 5.65 99,129 9.91 Outstanding at the end of the year 42,98,115 1,865.29 33,15,395 331.54 (*) During the year ended March 31, 2023, the Company has issued 10,00,000 (March 31, 2022 : Nil) equity shares of ` 10/- each under the Arohan ESOP plan 2021 (grant 2022) aggregating to ` 1,539.40 lakhs (including premium). (**) During the year ended March 31, 2023, Arohan ESOP Trust has transferred 17,280 equity shares at ` 32.69/- to Mr. Harshvardhan patnaik under ESOP 2017 schemes of Arohan Financial Services Limited (March 31, 2022: Arohan ESOPTrust has transferred 30,000 equity shares at ` 84.70/-, 10,000 shares at ` 130/- to Mr. Arvind Murarka, 33,254 shares at ` 130.00/- & 15,200 shares at ` 162.80/- to Mr. Sirish Panda and 6,675 shares at ` 162.80/- & 4,000 shares at ` 170.00/- to Mr. Anirban Sinha under various ESOP schemes of Arohan Financial Services Limited). (b) Terms and rights attached to equity shares: The Company has only one class of equity shares having a par value of ` 10 per share. Each holder of equity shares is entitled to one vote per share. The Company declares and pays dividend in Indian rupees, if any. The dividend proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing general meeting. During the financial year the Company has not proposed/ declared any dividend on equity shares except on compulsorily convertible preference shares. In the event of liquidation of the Company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive remaining assets of the Company, after distribution of all preferential amounts. The distribution will be in proportion to the number of equity shares held by the shareholders. (c) No additional shares were allotted as fully paid-up by way of bonus shares or pursuant to contract without payment being received in cash during the financial year. Further, none of the shares were bought back by the Company during the financial year.