Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2022-23

121 | Annual Report | 2022-2023 Arohan Financial Services Limited Statement of change in equity for the Year ended 31 March 2023 (All amounts in ` lakhs unless otherwise stated) Particulars As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022 Balance at the beginning of the year - - Changes in compulsorily convertible preference shares capital during the year 2,921.12 - Balance at the end of the year 2,921.12 - Particulars As at 31 March 2023 As at 31 March 2022 Balance at the beginning of the year 12,017.73 12,017.73 Changes in equity share capital during the year 100.00 - Balance at the end of the year 12,117.73 12,017.73 Particulars Reserves and Surplus Other Comprehensive Income Total other equity Securities premium Statutory reserves Retained Earnings General reserve Share option outstanding account Treasury shares Equity instruments through other comprehensive income Balance as at March 31, 2021 71,032.08 6,805.78 10,831.32 80.27 729.77 (5,629.85) (3.57) 83,845.80 Profit for the year - - 6,095.03 - - - - 6,095.03 Other comprehensive income (net) - - (166.59) - - - 3.57 (163.02) Share based payments to employees 29.38 - - - 425.31 122.17 - 576.86 Adjustment of loan to ESOP trust (24.31) - - - - - - (24.31) Transfer to Statutory reserve (*) - 1,219.01 (1,219.01) - - - - - Balance as at March 31, 2022 71,037.15 8,024.79 15,540.75 80.27 1,155.08 (5,507.68) - 90,330.36 Profit for the year - - 7,071.63 - - - - 7,071.63 Other comprehensive income (net) - - (262.65) - - - - (262.65) Share based payments to employees 4.77 - - - 277.99 5.65 - 288.41 Issue of equity shares to ESOP trust 1,439.40 - - - - (1,539.40) - (100.00) Issue of compulsorily convertible preference shares 21,908.38 - - - - - - 21,908.38 Share issue expenses (472.47) - - - - - - (472.47) Transfer to Statutory reserve (*) - 1,414.33 (1,414.33) - - - - - Balance as at March 31, 2023 93,917.23 9,439.12 20,935.40 80.27 1,433.07 (7,041.43) - 1,18,763.66 Note: The Company proposes a dividend @ 0.001% on compulsory convertible preference shares which is recommended by the Board of Directors for approval by the Shareholders in the ensuring Annual General meeting. (*) The Company has transferred 20% of profits after tax to Statutory reserve pursuant to Section 45-IC of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. This is the Statement of Changes in Equity referred to in our report of even date. For M S K A & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Chartered Accountants Arohan Financial Services Limited Firm Registration No. 105047W Tushar Kurani Manoj Kumar N Nambiar Vineet Chandra Rai Partner Managing Director Director Membership No. 118580 DIN: 03172919 DIN: 00606290 Place: Kolkata Place: Kolkata Anirudh Singh G Thakur Milind R Nare Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Place: Mumbai Place: Kolkata Place: Kolkata Date: 12 May 2023 Date: 12 May 2023 (a) Equity share capital (b) Convertible preference share capital (c) Other equity