Arohan Financial Services Limited | Annual Report 2021-22
Agni Agni (Fire) is representative of the light in the eyes, that ensures true insight and clarity. Arohan’s 3-layered Quality approach of Branch Operations & Quality, Internal Audit and Risk Management based on the foundation of an efficient Credit Underwriting methodology, has ensuredthattheCompany’squalityisguardedforgrowth, securing the foundation of a strong future. Arohan’s laser-sharp focus on Quality of its Lending Portfolio guides the Company’s credit-underwriting process with the 3-Pillar approach of Branch Operations & Quality, Internal Audit and Risk Management. In an externally challenged environment, Arohan has been moving consistently towards the future of operational scale, geographic foothold and digitalisation of processes with the support of its trusted Quality verticals. 73 Annual Report | 2021-2022 Management Discussion & Analysis
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