Arohan Annual Report FY 20-21

Arohan operates in marginalized communities where access to quality healthcare, basic education, water and sanitation is still restricted. Through its strong Governance and Corporate SocialResponsibilityactivities, theorganisationhas worked in areas pertinent to social development, as key government priorities, supporting and empowering the women of underserved communities. Through its focused social activities impacting women and communities, Arohan has touched approximately 237,629 lives so far. ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES Eco sustainability (Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation) – Arohan’s journey on sustainability focuses on the triple bottom-line approach of People, Planet and Profit. The Company’s integrated water and sanitation plants addresses the gaps in implementation and strategic management in Water & Sanitation, and Hygiene sectors by assuring investment efficacy, linking revenue returns to social benefits and allowing common partnership. Till date, Arohan has impacted approximately 21,940 beneficiaries through these interventions. • Integrated Water Sanitation Unit is fully functional in Sonarpur and Purulia areas of West Bengal and Hojai in Assam. These units were implemented in partnership with South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE). • Two additional Water & Sanitation units have been initiated in Odisha and Jharkhand in partnership with Piramal Sarvajal and PK Associates. • Four Water Units and Three Tiger Worm Toilets have been initiated in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha, in partnership with Piramal Sarvajal and Oxfam India respectively. Disaster Relief - Arohan has always protected the wellbeing and interest of its customers, especially in times of need. Natural calamities like flood and cyclones are common in its areas of operations. Arohan and its employees make extra effort to support its customers during such instances. Till date, Arohan has provided disaster relief material to approximately 45,040 customers during times of floods and cyclones. In Financial Year 2020- 21, Arohan distributed dry ration kits, tarpaulin sheets and hygiene kits to approximately 19616 customers, those most affected due to Super Cyclone Amphan and floods. COVID-19 relief - Towards the closing of the Financial Year 2019-20, with the rise of the global pandemic, the entire nation was forced into a lockdown personal and professional lives to a standstill. Rising to the occasion, Arohan initiated active measures to address the needs of all the communities, in dire need of food and basic amenities. Arohan, through itsCorporateSocial Responsibility department responded by making food packets available to over 706 street-dwelling children and families in March, 2020. With the start of the Financial Year 2020-21, one of Arohan’s major thematic scope was provide COVID-19 relief related measures. The country-wide lockdown resulted in stranding millions of daily wage workerswith littleor noaccess tobasic utilities. The situation was even more acute in the Company’s operational geographies like Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, and in urban slums of large metropolitan cities, as they cater to a high proportion of the migrant workforce and daily wage earners. Additionally, with suspected cases on the rise, frontline workers like medical staff, Management Discussion & Analysis 77