Arohan Annual Report FY 20-21

Arohan Swachh Mission: This initiative is taken to maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of all branches. The employees in the branch need to ensure that their branch is 100% clean, well maintained and secured as per the guidelines. A competition is announced and awareness mailers are shared to help the employees understand the true importance of maintaining proper hygiene. The Best Branch in Region, Zone and consistent Branch are awarded on a Quarterly and Annual bases. The ‘FIGHT COVID-19’ campaign: Arohan launched a campaign called ‘Fight COVID-19’ to include all its employees across locations in a movement encouraging safety, care and hygiene. Extensive communication on preventive guidelines, key measures and initiatives on safeguardingemployees,aswellascustomersfrom the negative impact of the global pandemic were initiated. The series of focused communication included - A pack of visual mailers on preventive guidelines for employees across all levels, a call- to-action manual for employees in case of medical emergency related to COVID 19, digital posters for widespread circulation and referenced, focused message on preventive measures for customers, through virtual platforms, and focused communication of lockdown-induced moratorium for field employees and customers through digital posters and message-app friendly posts. Supporting families of deceased employees: Arohan extended support to the families of employees who succumbed to accidents or COVID-19. There were two such incidents in Financial Year 2020-21, wherein one Field officer met with a major accident and suffered a head injury, while a Branch Head succumbed to the virus. Even though money is not a substitute for the life lost, Arohan understands the need for financial security for a family, in addition to all the benefits that the organisation provides to its employees. To this effect, all employees willingly contributed to the employee fund in order to provide an additional support of INR 3,50,000 to each of the deceased’s families. Administrative Interventions on COVID-19 Some key interventions were institutionalised to ensure safety of employees across office premises at Arohan: • Regular sanitization of the premises • Temperature Check • Hand Sanitization facilities • Provision of PPE Kits • Shifting to no-touch attendance recording • Support provided to employees in case of hospitalization for themselves, as well as and their families In order to promote and ensure social distancing among employees, the followings measures were put into practice: • 50% capacitation in offices for roles that must operate from work premises. All other functions were encouraged to strictly work from home during the lockdown. • Restrictions were imposed on movement of two-wheelers for field employees • Safety guidelines were made available to employees availing public transport • Staggered Lunch timings • No visitors were allowed in the premises without masks and temperature checks • Field employees were allowed to meet only 2-3 customers at a time Management Discussion & Analysis 75