Arohan Annual Report FY 20-21

Staff Governance Committee: The Arohan Code of Conduct (ACOC) has been formulated for all employees, in order to maintain the standard of business conduct for Arohan, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and Arohan’s Core Values. Employees are encouraged to raise their voice against any breach of ACOC that they may experience. The StaffGovernance Committee, a corporate-level cross-functional team, plays a crucial role in upholding the Company’s commitment to encouraging and protecting employees who raise concerns on suspected or confirmed incidents of breach of the Code. The Committee conducts an unbiased and thorough investigation to come to a fair conclusion. Basis the investigations and the recommendations of this committee, the Steering Committee (cross- functional leadership team) arrives on a verdict and necessary actions. Whistle Blower Policy: The Whistle Blower Policy encourages employees to disclose any fraud or unethical behavior that may adversely impact Arohan’s Values, customers, employees, partners, investors or public at large. Employees are encouraged to raise their voice against any wrongdoing that they may come across around them. The policy protects the whistle- blower against any retaliation that may include discrimination, reprisal or harassment in any manner. Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Internal Committee: Arohan is an equal opportunity employer and strives to maintain a harassment free environment without discrimination based on race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, ethnic origin or disability, as the casemay be. The Company strives to provide a professional work environment free of sexual harassment, exploitation and intimidation. To this effect, Arohan has a robust POSH Internal Committee at both Corporate and Zonal Levels, practicing zero tolerance against any kind of sexual harassment or discrimination and thus preventing, prohibiting and punishing any form of sexual harassment at the workplace, irrespective of gender of the employee. CELEBRATIONS AT WORK With the objective of keeping all employees engaged and motivated at work, regular celebrations for are arranged. FY 2020-21 too saw various celebrations, albeit virtually, despite external challenges to help boost employee morale and foster cross-team bonding. Some of these include: • Arohan Bigg Boss: A unique and fun way of engaging employees and their families, as well as making them feel included as a part of the larger team of employees across locations. • Virtual Antakshari: A game of Antakshari was organised virtually for all branch employees across Zones. • Happy Hour: A unique initiative conducted across Zones and Regions for teams to connect virtually and enjoy a fun hour of games, showcase various cultural activities such as dance performances, singing, recitation etc. by the employees. • Arohan Cricket League: The annual game of cricket was also played across regions, zones and even the Head Office. DIVERSITY & INCLUSION FOCUS Arohan is focused on having greater gender diversity in its people. The Company is focused on developing a more cohesive, collaborative, and creative work environment as a means of driving continued growth in line with its strategic objectives. Gender Equity is promoted as a means to achieve Equality across the organisation. Having a conscious thought process in improving the diversity index and building an inclusive work Management Discussion & Analysis 71