Arohan Annual Report FY 20-21

on households, in association with Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN) and Change in customer Livelihood in Three Years (without considering the COVID 19 impact) in association with MicroSave were also conducted during FY 2020-21. IVR Based Calling Solution – Arohan has also introduced an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) based calling solution for customers to facilitate easy and quicker navigation for the callers, ensuring effective closure. RATINGS & GRADINGS The following rating and grading upgrades in FY 20-21 bear testimony to Arohan’s thought- leadership towards developing a sustainable and scalable operational model for maximum customer service: CARE MFI 1 Grading: Arohan continues to retain the highest rated MFI 1 grading from CARE Ratings for four consecutive years. The grading is assigned on an 8-point scale with MFI 1 being the highest, enabling Arohan to retain its position among the elite league of MFIs in India. Code of Conduct Assessment (COCA): Arohan continues to retain the highest rated C1 grading from M-CRIL for three consecutive years. Arohan has been awarded a score of 95 out of 100 during FY2020-21. The scores and grading are merited on indicators pertaining to Transparency, Client Protection, Governance, Recruitment, Client Education, Feedback & Grievance Redressal and Data Sharing. An SP1 Social Performance Rating: Arohan continues to retain the highest rated SP1 grading by ICRA for two consecutive years. The Company’s score has improved from 80 to 81 this year. The grading reflects ICRA’s opinion on the ability of an MFI to conduct its operations in a scalable and sustainable manner. Quater wise Outbound Successful call for FY 20-21 Other Initiatives that the Customer Insights Team has undertaken during FY2020-21 are: Tele-verification Process – Arohan has also initiated Customer Tele-verification process, as a pre-disbursementmeasure for loans. Anadditional quality check mechanism, through this process, loan applications are approved post verification of customer details. The process is currently piloted in Uttar Pradesh, Zone 5 of Arohan’s operational expanse, with an aim to expand further. Portal based bulk SMS – Further strengthening customer connect and transparency in processes, Arohan’s Customer Insights vertical also connects with customers through portal-based bulk Short Message Services (SMS) for them to be informed of any new product offerings or any change in process, that may have an impact on their loan repayments. Management Discussion & Analysis 47