Arohan Annual Report FY 20-21

Digitally Advanced NBFC-MFI with scalable technology-enabled infrastructure At Arohan, prudent investment in Technology and its agile adoption have been the cornerstone for enabling the Company’s mission for sustainable scale and growth in line with its Vision. While serving over millions of customers from inception till date, Arohan has tracked significant metrics and data points about microfinance customer behaviour, backgrounds, lifestyles, socio-economic parameters, banking and financial habits, their occupation and livelihoods and their ever-evolving financial needs. While catering to the credit needs of millions of customers, Arohan facilitates millions of financial transactions every single day, through its IT - enabled Core Banking System backbone. Therefore, the use of technology to advance and scale its infrastructure, strengthen its financing initiatives, and derive greater operational, cost and management efficiencies across the business functions is intergal to Arohan’s way of working. Arohan’s thought leadership in leveraging Technology to further financial inclusion in India is evidenced by our semi-finalist recognition with the SKOCH Order-of-Merit Awards 2021 for meraArohan, an end-to-end loan management in-house application. In the year 2018, Arohan won the SKOCH Order-of-Merit for Strategic IT Transformation, along with the SKOCH Order-of-Merit for qualifying among top 80 technology projects in India and best IT implementation for Mobility and CRM in 2017. Company Overview 15