Arohan Annual Report FY 20-21

Arohan Financial Services Limited Summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information for the year ended 31 March 2021 (Contd.) ii) Investments 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 A. Value of Investments Gross Value of Investments: a) In India 5.00 5.00 b) Outside India - - Provisions for Depreciation: a) In India 5.00 5.00 b) Outside India - - Net Value of Investments a) In India - - b) Outside India - - B. Movement of provisions held towards depreciation on investments Opening Balance 5.00 1.68 Add: Provisions made during the year - 3.32 Less: Write-off/Write-back of excess provisions during the year - - Closing Balance 5.00 5.00 iii) Derivatives The Company does not have any derivatives exposure in the current and previous year. iv) Disclosures relating to Securitisation A) Securitisation 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 1) No. of SPVs sponsored by the NBFC for securitisation transactions - 1 2) Total amount of securitised assets as per books of the SPVs sponsored - 736.91 3) Total amount of exposures retained by the NBFC to comply MRR as on the date of balance sheet a) Off-balance sheet exposures i. First loss (*) - 1,311.69 ii. Others - - b) On-balance sheet exposures i. First loss - - ii. Others - - 4) Amount of exposures to securitisation transactions other than MRR a) Off-balance sheet exposures (i) Exposure to own securitisations - First loss - - - Others - - (ii) Exposure to third party securitisations - First loss - - - Others - - b) On-balance sheet exposures (i) Exposure to own securitisations - First loss - - - Others - - (ii) Exposure to third party securitisations - First loss - - - Others - - (*) First loss default guarantee of INR1,311.69 lakhs is given in the form of corporate guarantee B) Details of financial assets sold to securitisation/ reconstruction company for asset reconstruction The Company has not sold any financial assets to securitisation/ reconstruction company for asset reconstruction during the current and previous year. C) Details of Assignment transactions undertaken by the Company Particulars As at 31 March 2021 As at 31 March 2020 i. Number of accounts - 283,399 ii. Aggregate value (net of provision) of account sold - 63,439.51 iii. Aggregate consideration - 63,439.51 iv. Additional consideration realized in respect of accounts transferred in earlier year - - v. Aggregate gain/ loss over net book value - - Annual Report | 2020-2021 174