
Arohan, through its focus on community development through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices, has helped move its customers and their communities towards sustainability. Through its focused social activities impacting women and communities, Arohan has touched over 8 Lakh lives so far.

Environmental Initiatives

Eco sustainability (Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation) –

Arohan’s journey on sustainability focuses on the triple bottom-line approach of People, Planet and Profit. The Company’s integrated water and sanitation plants addresses the gaps in implementation and strategic management in Water and Sanitation, and Hygiene sectors by assuring investment efficacy, linking revenue returns to social benefits, and allowing common partnership.

Water Conservation -

Water conservation is a means of increasing agricultural production in rain fed and semi-arid areas. With the objective of improving the management of soil and vegetation in areas that have experienced little to no growth in agricultural production for several decades, Arohan aims to create conditions conducive to higher agricultural productivity while also contributing to the conservation of natural resources. The project focuses on the building of Pond, Dova, and Trench cum Bunds to control damaging run-off of water along with soil and to protect, conserve and improve land resources, moderate floods and increase groundwater recharge through effective water harvesting structures.

COVID-19 Relief -

With the start of the FY2020-21, one of Arohan’s major thematic scope was to provide COVID-19 relief related measures. Continuing its efforts in FY2021-22, Arohan distributed 5 lakh masks to its customers with an objective of providing them with continued protection against COVID-19. The project was initiated through the Aavishkaar Foundation.

Disaster Relief -

Arohan has always protected the well-being and interest of its customers, especially in times of need. Natural calamities like floods and cyclones are expected in its areas of operations. Arohan and its employees make extra effort to support its customers during such instances.

Carbon Trading -

Arohan trades in carbon through its Clean Energy Programme, which not only helps provide clean energy credit loans to its customers but also reduces carbon footprint. Arohan has collaborated with MicroEnergy Credits for this programme through which a total of 67, 363 tonnes of CO2e Certified Emission Reductions have been issued as on March 2022.