COVID-19 Impact

Forging stronger stakeholder relationships during a challenging time

Arohan’s operational processes have facilitated strong customer connect and contact through proactive measures, forerunner initiatives and innovations, enabling its readiness for the inevitable new normal during and post the COVID-19 pandemic, all in an effort to reach out to its customers and employees better and be by their side during a challenging external environment.

COVID-19 Interventions for Employees

In an externally challenged environment due to the pandemic, Arohan came up with several interventions to ease he challenge and pain for its employees. During these challenging times, the organisation’s top priority was to protect the health and well-being of its employees and their immediate families. Some of these are detailed here:

  • Arohan
    Suraksha Kawaj

  • Standard Operating
    Procedure on COVID-19

  • Safety and Support
    during lockdown

  • Arohan
    Swachh Mission

  • The Fight COVID-19

  • Arohan Avalamban

In order to ensure that no employee faces any challenge during the pandemic with regards to their medical needs including receiving timely treatment for COVID-19, an additional top-up insurance was provided to all employees. The Arohan Suraksha Kawaj provides an additional coverage of INR 1 lakh over and above the existing medical insurance coverage which also extends to COVID-19 related medical expenses. Also Arohan has empanelled reputed hospitals across locations to ensure that employees get required access to hassle-free treatment needed.

Administrative Interventions on COVID-19

Some key interventions were institutionalised to ensure safety of employees across office premises at Arohan:

  • imageRegular sanitization

    of the premises

  • imageTemperature Check
  • imageHand Sanitization


  • image

    Provision of

    PPE Kits
  • image

    Shifting to

    no-touch attendance recording
  • image

    Support provided to employees

    in case of hospitalization

    for themselves as well as their families.

In order to promote and ensure
social distancing among employees,

the following measures were put into practice:

CSR Practice of the Year

by the India International CSR Conclave in May 2017

CSR Project of the Year in Water

by the India International CSR Conclave in May 2018

ICC Special Jury Recognition

for 'Environment Sustainability' in 2019

CSR Practice of the Year

by the India International CSR Conclave in May 2017

CSR Project of the Year in Water

by the India International CSR Conclave in May 2018

ICC Special Jury Recognition

for 'Environment Sustainability' in 2019

COVID-19 Interventions for Employees

  • COVID-19 Special
    Product Package

  • Hum Hain Naa

  • Sahbhaagi

  • Khaas

COVID-19 Special Product Package

In order to ensure that no employee faces any challenge during the pandemic with regards to their medical needs including receiving timely treatment for COVID-19, an additional top-up insurance was provided to all employees. The Arohan Suraksha Kawaj provides an additional coverage of INR 1 lakh over and above the existing medical insurance coverage which also extends to COVID-19 related medical expenses. Also Arohan has empanelled reputed hospitals across locations to ensure that employees get required access to hassle-free treatment needed.

COVID-19 Interventions for Customer

  • Wellness and Reach

  • Virtual Connect

With ‘Customer Centricity’ as one of the key pillars of Arohan’s Core Value system, focus on ensuring the wellness and safety of customers was of foremost importance in the face of the pandemic gaining momentum. Preventive Guidelines: Information on COVID-19 symptoms, preventive Do’s and Don’ts, sanitation best practices, social distancing know-how etc. were shared with the customers. Detailed guidelines on Centre Meetings were also issued to all field employees, who are the first line of connect with customers. Awareness and sensitization among the customers as well as employees were effectively managed across all states of operation.